Import Export Data

Customized Trade Data: The Solution to Complex Needs

Trade data is an essential component of international business. As it demonstrates how goods and services are transported across national boundaries, By looking at trade data, companies can make smarter choices, identify market trends, and can come up with good plans.


While on the other hand obtaining trade data is not easy at all, nearly 75% of countries do not have a lot of trade data which is easy to reach. The problem here usually makes it harder to get accurate and updated knowledge which is needed for market analysis and smart decision-making. Classification of Complex trade data, a large number of trade partners, and different trade measures all make it harder for companies to understand.


By making trade data fit each person's wants, these problems can be avoided. It gives businesses information that is specific to their field, products, target markets, or trade partners. Customization improves accuracy by letting companies get rid of irrelevant data and focus on what's important. This leads to more reliable and accurate studies that help people make better decisions.


Customizing trade data is important for giving companies the tools they need to make plans that help them reach their goals. It has been said that companies that use trade data and analytics well will make 15% more money than their competitors. Companies can take advantage of market trends and decrease risk with the help of customized trade data, giving them a competitive edge.


In this post, we'll learn why customized trade data is so important and why is it a solution to complex trade business needs. Let's get started.



 1. Understanding Customized Trade Data


A. What is Customized Data 


Customized trade data is information about trade that is tailored and personalized to meet a business's unique needs and requirements. It includes choosing and tweaking the right variables, indicators, and parameters to get specific insights and analyses about international trade.


B. How it differs from standard trade data


There are several ways in which customized import export trade data is different from Standard trade data. The Standard trade data somehow gives a broad look at trade flows, including information on imports and exports of goods, trade balances, and general market trends. 



It also gives a broad picture of what goes on in trade between different countries or areas. While on the other hand customized trade data allows businesses to focus on the parts of trade that are most important to them. It can also involve filtering the data based on certain products, industries, trade partners, periods, or their areas of interest.